
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Colab website... continued

The website is coming along, you can check it out at
Here's what we still need:
- a domain name
- content written for the about us, about the show, and about design pages
- Something to put in the cool section other than the what is collaboration text?

Any other ideas/feedback/suggestions/complaints?

Oh, and the timer is functional, is is the live feed from the blog headlines on the left side.


The Co/Lab said...

Guys, it looks fantastic. I'm very happy with it!

Does anyone know how we can set up a paypal store for t-shirts? I was hoping we could have flyers on Picnic Day that direct people to our site to buy t-shirts...muy importante para funding.

Alan said...

In my experience, setting up an online store type of thing is something that is easily done with the company that hosts the site - I think the next step is to register the domain name and get moving on that store part. Ivan, did you already register a name?

Milan said...

cool.. also, what do you think of adding a flash "slideshow" of some images of things we've been working on? Like Fecal Face:

Ivan said...

i haven't, but i can do it. i'm just not sure if it's going to be or or whichever. milan? and can they do

Ivan said...

so i just checked and these are taken:

So, i think we should choose between:

Give me the official word and I'll register for it. Who's hosting it?

Milan said...

is too long?

Ivan said...

just a tad. that could be our official domain, but maybe we could have a shortened version for publicity purposes. I mean, I can already think of a way to market but it just depends on whether people will remember. but then again, i think at that point, word of mouth is more effective.

Alan said...

Can we get both? Super easy to have both point to the same site. I is easier to remember. I like the idea of a flash slide show too, do we have digital files for all the work thats been done so far?

Milan said...

I have digital files of SOME but a lot of them are incomplete. (note: please send me FINISHED files and printouts of your work!)

In any case, I'm imagining the flash slide show to be photographic. Maybe the stuff we have on the walls, people at the meetings.. i know we have some of those (clayton?)

hoshimo said...

is it possible to make the website length shorter so that you dont have to scroll down to read the rest of the text? its just a pet-peev...

other than that its looking awesome.