
Friday, March 9, 2007


Does anyone know how hard it is to get a podcast going? What if we have a small series of podcasts for other people who want to participate but couldn't make it to the meetings? I originally suggested to get a YouTube video of someone introducing and explaining about the Collab so that we don't always have to explain it ourselves and web visitors (when the site is done) can watch the video and know what the Collab is instead of reading it on the site if people are lazy.

With the podcasts, we can do weekly/periodic updates about what we talked about at meetings for those who missed them AND/OR for us to spread ideas on what to have on the show. Since we have less than three months, we don't need to do that many updates. It's just another medium that people can use to learn about our group.

Do podcasts cost money? [EDIT] never mind, it's pretty easy. the work goes into editing. But still, what does everyone think about this?[/EDIT]



Milan said...

would this be something archived that people can DL from the website? That would be pretty cool - it adds a bit of dimension - also, could be recycled in any video or motion sequence that one might do for the show (*hint hint, you TCS folk*)

This way, us camera shy people have nothing to worry about.

Ivan said...

haha, yeah, i looked it up and it's relatively easy. just need to have some web space to store the files and RSS feed that (which i don't think is hard to learn). i'm really excited to get the web site up (whether it's by me or not) so we can test all these awesome trendy gadgets.

Alan said...

This is actually what the company I work for does. Its really not that hard to set up, and like you said the time goes into editing. But the RSS and all that is not too hard to setup, I'd be happy to help if someone else wants to record & edit.

Ivan said...

Sweet. Thanks Alan. I think we're close to getting a site set up, so maybe we can do that soon. It would totally bring more visitors than if I was just a site.