
Friday, March 30, 2007

Collaboration is...

Answers to the questions: What is collaboration? What does collaboration mean to you?

  • …all the creative students work together to create something creative

  • …I love to work with people

  • …if you’re in CO/LAB, you are the one who is really in love with design and art because you want to spend your time in this area even though there is no class credit for it

  • ...combining forces and powers to create something extraordinary

  • ...the cooperation within a group of people who love design

  • ...the manifestation of the collective consciousness, intellect and experience

  • ...positivity coming out of teamwork, whether it is with only two people or a group. It is the optimistic outlook on working together to create something super awesome and better than what one person alone can imagine.

  • ...2 or more things working together, helping to augment the function or overall goal

  • ideas, view points that I cannot see on my own. new techniques and styles that I have not tried. Help and communication from people.

  • ...the whole is greater than the sum of the parts

  • ...working together with the same goal in mind. Contributing unique skills and perspectives to a project.

  • ...cooperation towards a common goal, utilizing the unique talents of everyone involved

  • ...unexpected/unforseeable outcomes

  • ...a combined effort to create a product which is an ideal blend of the best ideas of the participants

  • ...the working social contract we have with our fellow designers

  • ...the combined efforts of multiple people for a singular purpose

  • in and not being stubborn and pulling your fair share of the weight

  • amalgamation of human resources - our individual talents and interest as intellectual creatures can combine in a co-operative way - in a willing and open way- to create a powerful message. I guess what I'm expecting out of collaboration is something ou can't see happen or generate on one's own - I strongly believe that human life is a co-existing one - without others life is not complete.

  • ...any activity, object, thing that is dependent on more than one activity, object, thing. A relationship or a tree for instance.

  • an ant farm. Creating a world in a box we're stuck in.

  • COLAB: One plus Two = Three

  • ...putting in all our thoughts in the oven and baking the most delicious cake

  • ...the feeling you get - it is so instant - that what you are creating with someone else is so good. And ou know that it couldn't be done just by yourself.

  • ...respect

1 comment:

Milan said...

awesome. very cool to see the variation. I'd encourage people who continue answering this question; those of you who haven't yet.

I'm excited to see what you end up doing with these answers, Alan.